Terms of Use


1hand4you UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
(hereinafter referred to as provider)
Max-Beckmann-Str. 53
60599 Frankfurt/Main
HRB 107976 Frankfurt/Main
Managing Director Stephan Pülm
VAT no.: DE310828243
E-mail: scripto@1hand4you.de

Modification and termination of our services

We are constantly changing and optimizing our services.
In this way, taking into account the respective interests, we can, for example, develop functions or features to meet the needs of our customers. add or remove or introduce additional or new restrictions on our services.
You can stop using our services at any time, even if we regret it.
Your data belongs to you and we believe it is important that you have access to this data.
If we discontinue a service, we will, if reasonably possible, notify you in advance of the termination. and, taking into account the respective interests, provide you with the possibility and sufficient time to make an informed decision. time to export your data from this service.

Warranty and disclaimer

We provide our services in an economically appropriate manner and hope, that you enjoy using it. However, some of them are not part of our services.
Except as expressly stated in these Terms of Use or in the Additional Terms and Conditions, Neither the supplier nor the companies associated with the supplier nor the suppliers or distribution partners of the provider's specific assurances with respect to the services, or assume any warranties in this respect. For example, we make no representations regarding the content in the services, specific functionalities of the services or their reliability, Availability or suitability of the services for your purposes. We provide the services in their current form.

Liability for our services

In the event of intent and gross negligence, including on the part of legal representatives and vicarious agents, you shall be liable for and the provider according to legal regulations. The same shall apply in the case of culpably caused damages resulting from injury to life, of the body or health, in the event of damage caused by the absence of a guaranteed quality of the product. as well as fraudulently concealed defects. By you or the provider, whose legal representatives or vicarious agents caused damage to property and financial loss through slight negligence. the liability is limited to cases of violation of an essential contractual obligation, However, the amount is limited to the foreseeable and contract-typical damage at the time of conclusion of the contract. Essential contractual obligations are those whose fulfilment requires the proper execution of a contract. and on whose observance the contracting parties may regularly rely. Liability under the Product Liability Act remains unaffected. Otherwise, the liability of you and the provider is excluded.

Use of our services in companies

If you use our services for a company, you declare yourself for this company to the validity of these Terms of Use. The company owns the supplier and the companies associated with the supplier as well as employees, representatives and employees and indemnifies them from legal proceedings or claims, in connection with the use of the services or the violation of these terms of use. including all claims and costs due to lawsuits, losses, damages, Court proceedings and judgments as well as court and lawyer's fees.

About these Terms of Use

The Provider may not modify these Terms of Use or any additional terms and conditions for a particular service in any way. adapt in a reasonable manner, for example, to reflect changes in the legal framework conditions or changes in our company structure. services into account. You should therefore review these Terms of Use periodically.
We will post notices of changes to these Terms of Use on this page.
We will post notices of changes to additional terms and conditions within the relevant service. Changes do not apply retroactively and will take effect at the earliest 14 days after their publication.
Changes regarding a new service function or changes for legal reasons are effective immediately. If you do not agree to the amended terms of use of a service, you must discontinue using this service. In the event of a conflict between these Terms of Use and any additional terms, the additional terms and conditions shall be as follows take priority in individual cases.
These Terms of Use and any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with these Terms of Use. German law to the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
This choice of law makes no statement as to the law applicable to the service itself. If you are a consumer, all disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be governed by the following terms and conditions the legal regulations with regard to the applicable place of jurisdiction.
If you are not a consumer, the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from or in connection with this Agreement shall be the place of jurisdiction. with these Terms of Use Frankfurt am Main.

This translation is prepared for reference purposes only. The German version is the original and if there is any discrepancy between the German original and this translation, the German original supersedes and governs.